Thursday, July 24, 2008

18 Weeks!

As of tomorrow, I will be 18 weeks along! Almost halfway there, crazy!!! This picture is from last weekend, because it is rare (since I work from home) that I am put together and actually have something other then PJ's on, so pictures tend to be few and far between. My belly seems to have grown more this week, so next week picture will even more significant!

Not much else has changed other then the fact that I now have invested in a scale so rather then obsessing monthly about how much weight I have or have not gained I can obsess daily. My appetite has actually increased significantly this last week, which is encouraging! I know who would have thought, that a girl would want to gain weight, well when it is not just me I am worried about anymore it does matter. I want to make sure that little baby in there is getting enough nutrients and everything else he or she needs to be a healthy happy baby. Already trying to make sure my baby has the best of everything!

We have visiting a few in home daycare people over the past two weeks and I think have made a decision, this really great, organized woman ( I actually think she may be more organized then me) so between Tim, Me and the new babysitter, I think our baby is going to be in good hands, when we are not there.

3 more weeks until we find out what we are having! I took a gender test which asks questions based on old wives tales about wether or not it will be a boy or girl and my results were 60% girl!

Now I am beginning to think it maybe a girl, not based solely on this test, but my total boy feeling is dimishing a little bit!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The "Basenji" baby, fact...or fiction....

Okay, so I am very over due on my updates so I am hoping to get many of my updates posted over the next couple of weeks. Mostly because once we find out the sex, I envision a multitude of new chapters to write about. Anyways, without further ado....

A wise man (my father) once told me the best dog to get was a Baseji because they are not physically capapble of barking. Unfortunately, we own the converse of the Basenji but that is another blog altogether. As I talk to many friends, associates, and any one with insight into child rearing I get mixed reaction as to the crying fator of a baby. Don't get me wrong, I'm not looking for a baby that will never speak, just a baby that is absent of crying during the first few years.

Hopefully the Basenji "factor" will follow though the different stages of growth. After the baby gets old enough to talk and cry, a kid that doesn't whine. After that, a teenager that doesn't talk back. The Basenji child will help me extend my life expectancy and greatly improve my golf game by maximizing sleep and minimizing stress.

Plus, I have Gina who cries, whines and talks back so I think I am due a break for the next few decades. I life is so tough. Its just that no one told me the results of marrying way out of your league. I picked a good time to over acheive!!

About Me

The Marco Family consists of Gina (mom), Tim (dad), and 3 year old donovan (son) and 1 yeal old Ryann (daughter)! As a family we feel completly blessed! We enjoy everyday together as a family and want to share all of our experiences and happiness with family and friends!