So everyone talks about when your kids get a little older every Christmas gets better and better, because they have more fun and enjoy all the fun that is involved with Christmas.....well I think we may have to wait until next year! We went to see Santa at the hospital where donovan was born, which was really nice we didn't have to wait in line, we had to bring something to donate to needy kids and it was smaller and more intimate, not that that made a difference. Donovan cried, i mean screamed the entire time. Terrified of Santa! A professional photographer took the pics, so I will try to upload them once they are up, but when we were getting a picture all three of us, because there was no way Donovan was going to go up there by himself, Santa had his hand on TIm's shoulder and Donovan didn't like that at all and was telling Santa to "dop" which is stop in donovan language! All you can do is laugh. We were there a total of 5 minutes and that was way too long for us all!

Then we went to go cut down a tree, it had snowed a few inches so I thought what a good day to go get a tree. Donovan didn't want to wear his gloves or hat, I made him wear his hat so he screamed for the first 5 minutes. We got a sled, because how fun to have him ride in the sled while we pull him....nope wanted nothing to do with the sled. Fell on the ground countless times and since he pulled his gloves off, he hands were freezing. Wanted me to carry him the entire time. A 2 year old with a huge coat, snow pants and boots is not light! Didn't want Dad to carry him.....just me....lucky me! Took 30 minutes to find the perfect tree.......walking around cold, with a heavy two year old with a runny nose getting all over my coat! These are the pictures I did get!!!! Memories we will never forget right????

3 generations of ornaments for our tree! Donovan didn't want to decorate the tree at all.....he kept saying "eago" which means he wanted to watch Go Diego Go, and when we tried to tell him to look at the tree he said "no free". I guess that is the best part of having kids right? They keep it interesting!!!!
We did end up with a very pretty tree!!!!!